CEU Training
Incorporating Anti-Racism Into Your Clinical Practice
About this course
Learn to build anti-racism into your clinical practice to support your team and clients.
Course Details
Pre-recorded lessons with case studies, quizzes, and a final course evaluation.
This training is eligible for 1 Continuing Education Credit for LMHCs, LCSWs, and LMSWs and must be completed within 30 days of purchase to receive credit.
Despite various attempts, racial trauma continues to receive limited clinical attention in the field of mental health and psychology (Jernigan & Daniel, 2011). While the presence of blatant racism is less prevalent, implicit or subtle racism is still pervasive in the mental health field (Penson, 2013).
During this course, participants will explore the historical impacts of racism within the clinical and medical fields. Additionally, participants will understand the impacts of racial trauma. Building upon this knowledge, participants will gain tools to incorporate anti-racist counseling approaches and culturally appropriate interventions. Participants will explore case studies and apply knowledge in dyadic activities to foster comfort in working with racially diverse populations. Upon completion of this training, participants will leave with actionable steps to continue their journey toward dismantling racism in the mental health field.
Responding to the calls of several scholars encouraging clinicians to engage in specialized training around healing racial trauma, this training seeks to provide this much-needed offering (Sue, Capidilupo, Torino, Bucceri, Holder, Nadal, Esquilian, 2007).
Learning Objectives
Deepen understanding of the historical impacts of racism within the mental health and medical field.
Gain tools to support the healing of racial trauma for clients of color.
Gain tools to incorporate anti-racism into their clinical practice.
Participant Reflections
Meet Your Instructor
Kenya Crawford, M.A., Ed.M, LMHC
Kenya is the CEO of Kenya Crawford Consulting, an award-winning licensed psychotherapist, and a racial equity consultant that creates healing and liberating spaces to dismantle oppressive systems.
CEU License
Kenya Crawford, LMHC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0269. Kenya Crawford, LMHC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0736.